A story of the challenges, trials, and unending optimism and strength of a young Syrian refugee. This story follows a young Syrian girl named Afraa and her harrowing journey to safety and freedom. Whilst she learns to love her new home, a part of her heart will always be buried in the roots of the jasmine bush outside her parent’s room window in Syria.
About the author:
In this debut novel by Ayesha Desai, we get to see her love and passion for things close to her heart. She currently resides in Pretoria, South Africa with her husband and 2 young children. Ayesha is passionate about reading and this has evolved into a love of writing. Whilst this is her first published book, she has been writing for the last 20 years, and blogging since 2013.
She is a nature and outdoor enthusiast, but is equally happy baking at home with her children on a rainy day. Currently employed in the corporate sector, she still makes time to indulge her creative nature, by painting, and of course writing.
Her bucket list items include being able to travel more with her family, publishing an anthology of her poetry, seeing wild horses in the Namib desert, and eventually when her children are raised, retiring to a small town near the sea.